
Bree Eddy, RMT

Bree graduated from West Coast College of Massage Therapy, the only accredited school for Registered Massage Therapists in BC, in December, 2004. She went on to successfully write Board Exams for the College of Massage Therapists in BC (CMTBC), in February 2005. She currently works from her clinic in Tofino. Bree is committed to her patients and takes pride in her thorough assessment and treatment as well as educating her clients on remedial exercise, active rest, and hydrotherapy (using water, hot basalt volcanic stones and cool marble) and light therapy. 

Bree welcomes you to recognize Massage Therapy as both a beginning and an enhancement stage of committing to a healthy lifestyle. Re-thinking "old habits" and creating more energy for yourself is important for feeling more alive. Every day matters when you are working toward improvement.

As an active person and a registrant of Massage Therapy, Bree realizes the importance of self-care. When your mind and soul are able to relax and "come home" to your body, healing happens. Massage is Bree's favourite way to heal and facilitate healing in others. 

Bree’s Favourite Continuing Studies include:

  • Craniosacral system support for your face and body

  • JinShinDo Bodymind Acupressure

  • Fascial Manipulation

  • Thai Massage

  • Visceral Manipulation

  • Pilates, Hatha Yoga

  • Osteopathic Approach

  • End Range Loading

  • Vocal Toning and Reiki

Chanel Choquer, RMT

Stephany Greeve, Reflexology


Pilates with Marija Udovicki

Marija trained in Serbia with her mentor and has had a beautifully progressive Pilates practice in Tofino since 2009. Her regular students move more gracefully through life and have rehabilitated injuries and chronic limitations by going to classes Mondays and Thursdays at the Community Center. Now, Marija has openings for private sessions at Tofino Therapeutics. Her students appreciate her keen eye and ability to effectively break through barriers to reach new levels of fitness, create new synapses in their brains and connecting the brain with all parts of the body. This is the strengthening that needs to happen for optimal health.