Relax. unwind. Heal. Rejuvinate.
Why Registered Massage Therapy?
Are you active and want to feel more comfortable and powerful in your body? Would you like to increase your “physical literacy” and work towards optimal fitness? Or learn how to massage your partner? At Tofino Therapeutics, our RMTs strive to support the healing of your muscles, joints, and nerves and to provide relief from pain and discomfort. Keep your healthcare regime fresh with a weekly vitalizing and tissue-toning tour of your body.
Upcoming special event? Massage can be the best make-up you ever experience. We look forward to when we can offer couples massage the day before your wedding, so til then come for a solo session for that special glow the morning of your big day.
positive side effects
Breath work is often incorporated into massage. The best way to practice breathing correctly is by relaxing. Breathing provides a mini mind vacation, clearing out the clutter of the day’s thoughts by allowing the inward and outward air to become your focal point. An alternative is to think about how your breath moves you while you breathe in and fill and expand and how it moves you as breath moves out, clearing and rinsing your body with each breath. Massage and breath act as pumps to help fluids move through every tissue, every cell of your body. This movement allows tension to mooooove. THIS is the CURE ALL MEDICINE SEARCHES FOR: the relief of tension. Grounding and cleansing happens with each breath. The goal is to attend to your breath, to do only what you are doing in the moment. This mindfulness is a means to give to yourself, whenever and wherever you are.